What is Royal Jelly
Royal Jelly is one of history’s oldest natural health and beauty aids, used for thousands of years because of its rich amino acid content, and spectrum of vitamins and minerals. It is said the ancient Egyptians believed royal jelly would ensure that the Pharaoh had a long and healthy life.
Reports also suggest that Cleopatra used it to keep herself beautiful, BioBees have used the strongest formulations of Fresh Royal Jelly, in its purest state, to create their premium range designed to enhance and maintain good health, and encourage anti-ageing.
Our Fresh Royal jelly is rich in proteins, amino acids, B – vitamins, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, biotin, folic acid, inositol, essential fatty acids & minerals.
These nutrients are essential for life & optimum health. In many respects Royal jelly can be considered to be a complete food with substantial life-enhancing benefits such as instant energy, vitality, youthfulness, increased sexual performance & longevity.
Our Royal Jelly products have been available for over 30 years and have appeared in Press Globally. Read on for more about Royal Jelly.
Food Fit for a Queen
Royal Jelly is, without doubt, food fit for a Queen. Royal jelly is responsible for creating a Queen bee from bee larvae. The Queen bee is almost double the size of a normal sized bee and she can live up to forty times longer from the rest of the hive.
Harvesting the royal jelly is a slightly different process from that of harvesting honey. First of all you have to remove the Queen Bee from the colony. As bees’ cannot survive without a Queen, honey bee larvae have to be introduced to the hive. These larvae (about one day old) are inserted into a particular kind of wooden cell. Worker Bees’ will then attempt to feed them with royal Jelly which they secrete from the glands in the hypopharynx in order to produce a new Queen. The cells become filled with royal jelly after a couple of days or so. This is then removed and the process is repeated.
What is Royal Jelly composed of?
Royal jelly is extremely rich in a group of fatty acids called phospholipids. Perhaps the most well known of which is lecithin. Royal jelly contains more lecithin than any other food. Lecithin is composed of Inositol and Choline. Choline is categorised as a lipotropic, indicating that it works by helping the liver metabolise fat, which is later used by the body for additional energy.
Inositol has an effect on nerve transmission and plays a vital role in the chemical reactions in our body that are associated with the production of glucose. The presence of inositol is crucial in the proper development of cell membranes. It assists in the transportation of fats throughout our bodies. These two vital substances are often classified as B-vitamins.
Royal jelly is a rich source of naturally-occurring steroids. Almost unbelievably, fifty of them have so far been identified, including testosterone and oestrogen. These hormones are highly bio-available when sourced from Royal Jelly.
Royal jelly contains Amino Acids
Amino acids are derived from proteins and are the building blocks for them. All proteins are broken down by the body into single amino acids by the digestive enzymes in either the stomach or in the small intestine and then reassembled into the specific new proteins by other enzymes within the body. The cells within the digestive tract can only absorb single amino acids, known as free form, and very small chains of two or three amino acids called peptides.
Royal jelly contains 18-22 amino acids, eight of which are essential – meaning the body cannot synthesise or make them, so they must be obtained from the diet.
The eight essential amino acids are;
A combination of more than 100 amino acids joined by peptides finally forms a protein. A component of Royal Jelly that has recently been isolated has been named Royalactin. This single protein alone, it seems, is responsible for turning an ordinary bee into a Queen bee. Royalactin induces the same effect on fruit flies, marked by increased weight and ovary size.
Royal jelly contains many Vitamins & Minerals
Vitamin A, Vitamin B’s, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E and Folic acid. Minerals are literally the ‘stuff of life’. Without them, no metabolic pathways within the body can work correctly. 28 minerals and trace elements have thus far been identified in royal jelly. These include; magnesium, calcium, manganese, phosphorus, sulphur, vanadium, zinc, potassium, iron, etc. For those of a scientific bent, the full 28 elements (periodic table) listing is; Al, Ba, Sr, Bi, Cd, Hg, Pb, Sn, Te, Tl, W, Sb, Cr, Ni, Ti, V, Co, Mo) and minerals (P, S, Ca, Mg, K, Na, Zn, Fe, Cu and Mn).
Elements Identified in ROYAL JELLY
What are the benefits of Royal Jelly?
Royal jelly is perhaps the most potent, highly concentrated food available. A very important point is that the nutrients are absolutely natural. The word ‘natural’ is much touted in supplement circles. Many health supplements are synthetic, often called ‘nature identical’. They have the same molecular structure but they do not and cannot have the same efficacy by a huge margin. Therefore provides comprehensive bio-availability. This means that the body can utilise the power- packed significant range of nutrients to their fullest extent.
Given our lifestyles, it is extremely difficult to get even a portion of the nutrients that the body requires on a daily basis. Royal Jelly provides substantial amounts of these nutrients in a simple and easy to take preparation. Ultimately we are what we eat and absorb. Junk in equals junk out! It is very simple, the finer the foods we ingest the finer the body we can build. Bioceuticals BioBee’s® royal jelly helps to fulfil this requirement in a delicious super-food.
Uses and evidence for for Royal Jelly are not only word of mouth, but they also are backed by dozens of investigative tests & trials.Two substances found in are believed to contribute to its antibiotic properties: These are gamma globulin and 10-hydroxydecanoic acid (l0-HDA). When combined as they are in our biobees royal jelly they make an effective infection-fighting, immune-stimulating duo.
Other health benefits include helping women tackle the symptoms of PMS (pre-menstrual syndrome) and morning sickness, as well as promoting fertility in both men and women.
It helps the body feel better in the same way a potent multi-vitamin would
As a natural antibiotic and antiseptic, royal jelly exerts therapeutic actions on skin and can help to ease symptoms of skin conditions such as eczema and acne.
People are being educated about Royal Jelly and the benefits of taking this fine supplement. It is a product that is suitable for men, women and children to support optimum health. Royal Jelly is known to be beneficial for supporting the following:
Energy, stamina, physical strength and performance |
Nervousness, anxiety, depression |
Young looking skin and reduce free radical damage |
Sexual vitality and rejuvenation reverse impotence |
Support immune health and fight bacterial and viral infections |
Provides support for PMT and menopausal women |
Accelerates wound healing |
Maintains a good life cycle in humans |
Weight management support |
Support for a healthier liver function |
Regulate the endocrine system and achieve hormonal balance. |
Supports cardiovascular health arteriosclerosis |
Supports bone and joint health |
Maintains blood sugar levels |
Asthma and respiratory problems |
Anemia and weakness
Modern lifestyles tend to be very busy and hectic, the pressures and responsibilities of everyday living increase over time putting additional strain on the body. The long-term stress is taxing to the body, and can add up over time to degrade our health. it is an ancient secret for providing a foundation for good health and well being. Royal Jelly is appropriate for men and women, and helps to sustain energy levels without caffeine of Ephedra. Royal jelly is a balanced dietary supplement that holistically acts as a tonic to support the immune system, balance a hectic lifestyle, and most importantly allows you to look vibrant and feel great.
Royal Jelly is especially ideal for the following category of people
• Frequent cold and flu sufferers who have low immune systems
• People who feel tired lethargic and lack energy to function properly
• People who want to maintain strong hair and nails
• Men and women who want clear skin and a radiant complexion
• Busy executives and those with stressful careers
• Manic-depressives and nervous people
• Those with poor digestive and gastric-intestinal problems
• Moderate to heavy alcohol consumers to improve liver function
• Insomnia suffers who lack a restful sleep
• Ideal for men, women, children and the senior citizens
• Hormonal and menopausal women and those PMT sufferers
10-hydroxydecanoic acid (l0-HDA)
The higher the 10-HDA content of Royal Jelly the faster you will benefit from taking it. This chemical is so important that the more 10-HDA content in Pure Royal Jelly, the higher the cost of supply. Pure Royal Jelly with a 10-HDA content of 2% has just become available to us. Companies who claim a higher content that this are misinformed. 10-hydroxydecanoic acid ( l0-HDA) exhibits both anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties.
Gamma globulin
Gamma globulin is a class of protein found in blood plasma. There are different types of gamma globulins, but the most important are immunoglobulin’s also referred to as antibodies. Gamma globulins have proven, in some cases, to be an effective therapy in the treatment of hepatitis A infections, and also measles. Antibodies combine with bacteria and viruses to destroy them. They are an important part of the immune system.
Royalactin has only recently been discovered, it is a unique (as far as we know at this time) compound within Royal Jelly.
Masaki Kamakura of Toyama Prefectural University in Imizu, Japan, stored it at 40 °C for 30 days, feeding it to bee larvae at intervals. Its regal effect gradually weakened, suggesting the key ingredient was decaying. He then fed larvae deactivated jelly with each batch laced with a different compound that was subject to decay. Only one caused the larvae to turn into queens: a protein Kamakura calls Royalactin. To understand how Royalactin works, Kamakura added it to the diet of fruit fly larvae. This made them grow larger and lay more eggs, as in bees. Kamakura found that Royalactin works by switching on the gene that codes for Egfr, a protein found throughout the animal kingdom. Egfr stands for epidermal growth factor receptor. *This suggests a pre-existing mechanism was repurposed to produce the bee caste system, says Francis Ratnieks of the University of Sussex in Brighton, UK. When insects first formed eusocial (of or pertaining to a form of animal society) colonies queens and workers must have been physically identical, he says, and the distinct castes came later, created by Royalactin or something like it.
Researchers at the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, Department of National Health & Welfare, Ottawa, and the University of Toronto, conducted a study on Royal Jelly's inhibition of cellular disruption. It has been shown to inhibit pro-inflammatory cytokines. The less you have of these the less pain you will experience in a given condition So, certainly we can see the science behind Jelly which confirms what people have known & experienced over the years - that is has every right to be called a super-food that has incredible properties.
Royal Jelly has been proven to help with a multitude of conditions. Further significant information can be found by visiting the following links:
The premium BioBee’s range includes:
• BioBee’s Fresh Royal Jelly with Propolis Extracts and Bee Pollen (blister packs)
• BioBee’s Fresh Royal Jelly Elixir Vials
About Bioceuticals
Based in London, Bioceuticals has developed an exclusive range of natural products for health-conscious people with fast-paced lifestyles. Our products include Royal Jelly, vitamins, minerals, herbs, health and nutrition supplements, female and male health products, weight loss and diet supplements, skin and beauty care products, arthritis and joint health supplements, and body building and sports nutrition products.
Bioceuticals is dedicated to delivering products of the highest quality and excellence.
- We provide only premium, natural products
- We have been the leading supplier of natural health care products for almost 30 years
- We manufacture our own products in the UK
If you are allergic to bee related products, are pregnant or breast feeding or are taking prescribed medication, consult your doctor before considering using such products.